How Can We Help?
Install Procedure
- Put your Magento in maintenance mode
bin/magento maintenance:enable
- Make a backup dumping your database
mysqldump --no-tablespaces -u username -p databasename > backup.sql
Install via composer
- Find your composer credentials in htttps:// site, under “my account”, “AI App”, find a section “Composer Credentials.
Go to Visualwebs site -> my account -> AI App
This is the composer API user
This is the composer API Key
Install via composer
- Run this command from Magento root installation
composer config repositories.visualwebs composer
- Now you can install the package, if you’re installing Magento AI Suite use this one
composer require visualwebs/magento2-ml
Fill API user and API key when Composer asks and fill ‘Y’ to store credentials in your system.
Final step
- Run Magento setup upgrade command
bin/magento setup:upgrade
- Re-compile Magento system
php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento setup:di:compile;
php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy;
- Disable maintenance mode
bin/magento maintenance:disable
Table of Contents